lørdag den 14. maj 2011

The 3 founders

So finaly finished this one. Its been taunting me for a looong time. I think in all i must have used 30+ hrs on it. It isent one of the drawings i had alot of thoughts behind other then i liked the thought about it. Might have been why i used so long to finish it.

fredag den 29. april 2011


I always loved the environmental designs for games and movies though never been that good at it my self so i though i should start practice it. Still working on the pencil drawing from last post but just needed a small break from it though its starting to look really good.
So here is my first attempt on some enviromental stuff
All start is difficelt.

onsdag den 26. januar 2011


Working on a pensil drawing in A3 atm and sence my scanner isent big enough i just had to take a picture of it with my phone. So it isent the best quality. When its all done ill can rip it off my sketch pad and scan it in in 2 parts.
 I used a picture of the 3 ppl and played abit around with it so they became caricatures.